207 €
Ожидаемый выигрышный фонд:
--- €
255 €
Ожидаемый выигрышный фонд:
--- €

Friday Texas Night JP Bonus — Tallinn

30.10.2015 - 19:30
  • 11 / 20
  • 16€

No limited Texas, One Re-buy 10€ zero points 100 min. Stack 5000. JP Bonus 5€. The finals will take place on December 19th, at 7:00pm. Up to 20 best players from Friday Texas Night ranking will be qualified for the finals. Jackpot will be played off at the final table between the five best players. In finals, the first five best players in ranking will receive 10 000 stackpoints, each next five finalists 8000, 6000 and 4000 points correspondingly. Additional prizes in finals: 3 GP Live tickets. In addition with buy-in you will receive one stamp to your „Black Box“ ticket and second stamp when you make a Re-buy. After you have collected 10 stamps, you have an opportunity to draw a prize from the „Black Box“. Simultaneously, it is possible to play in SNG tournaments. To start the tournament, minimum 5 and maximum 10 players are required. Buy-In € 11, Stack 1500, Levels 10 min. Cash Game 1/1

Участники турнира (11)

  1. Sander V - 105.00
  2. M1 - 63.00
  3. Rain K - 42.00
  4. Erol -
  5. Mait -
  6. remka -
  7. Rednar A -
  8. ivar -
  9. LastWarning -
  10. art1 -
  11. McEnroy -
- Подтвержденный участник
Игроки, не оплатившие участие в турнире автоматически в лист ожидания не включаются. Внести имя в лист ожидания можно на месте или по телефону зала.
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